Friday, February 28, 2014

February 24-27

Greetings everyone!

Welcome back from our extended February Vacation!

It was nice to have everyone back after a nice little break and the Preschoolers got right back into the groove of things. This week we learned about The Five Senses and learned a song to the tune of "Frere Jacques/ Are You Sleeping Brother John" that goes...

Five Senses, Five Senses
We have them, we have them
Seeing, hearing, smelling
Tasting and touching
We have five, we have five

Reading and talking about the senses got some great conversations going in class and the kids took what they learned, and talked about it independently during the day. Ie. "I'm tasting!" while eating snack and "I'm using my sense of sight!" while playing at the Math Center for Choice Time. It's always great as a teacher to see that kind of enthusiasm. The AM and PM class each wrote their own "Winter Senses" poems as a whole class and these are hanging in our book area if you'd like to take a peek!

For group time we went on shape/color treasure hunts in small bins of rice and students sorted, counted and recorded their findings with crayons. We also used our senses to draw still lifes of fruit bowl with oil pastels, which you can find hanging on the wall in class.

For our Thursday Art Project the AM class created winter scenes with water colors (the kids can tell you how we "woke up the paint" with water) and salt, and the PM class had a special visitor (Gus's Mom!) come in to MAKE our own watercolor paint. Science and art in one!

Have a fabulous weekend and see you next week to celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday...

-Miss Kate

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