Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today, our morning class enjoyed a special Freeze Dancing session with Sadie's mom, Jo. Sadie decided that she wanted to Freeze Dance for her birthday celebration in class so she brought in a Yo Gabba Gabba CD for us to dance to. Jo had some great moves and played a mean pause button! Thanks again to Jo for sharing your fun with us.

During groups today children worked on using a Turkey Baster to transfer water from one measuring cup to another. It sounds sort of silly but believe it or not, activities like these help make our finger and wrist muscles stronger, something we need later in life for writing.
We also used a Turkey grid for counting. Each student rolled dice to count buttons onto turkeys. I was impressed that preschoolers could count so high!

Mr. Munch woke up from his nap and made an appearance again today! He ate letters D through H! Friends are getting really good at naming things beginning with specific letters that Mr. Munch could eat. Thoughtful contributions included - Eggs, Flowers, elbows, grapes, and hair! Man, that Mr. Munch must have a stomach ache!

The Thankful Turkey has been created! The turkey is hanging on our wall and preschoolers had a lot to be thankful for, so check him out!

Thursday already ... and there's a Gobble-Gobbley art project planned!

Mrs. Reid

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hey All! It's been a busy couple of weeks in Preschool! We've had a mixed up schedule for a while now and I've had a hard time getting on to update the blog. But alas, I'm here now!

Today, Tuesday after our long weekend started out with a new Dramatic Play Area. We have turned our Doctor's office into a veterinarian Hospital (many cuddly animals included!) Friends spent the day acting as pet owners, receptionists, and Veterinarians!

We read a book about Thanksgiving too. It was a book with a lot of words so we only read enough to get the gist ... then, we had a conversation about what it means to be thankful. We are working on making a Thankful turkey in our classroom displaying what each of us are thankful for on it's feathers! Each student chose something they were thankful of and drew a picture. I hope to have it hung up in the next day or two.

Learning our new song "Mr. Munch" (sang to the tune of Tiny Tim) was certainly everyone's favorite part of the day today! Mr. Munch eats letters and things that begin with each letter. He will help us learn  our letters and their sounds too!

During check in this week we will have opportunities to sort buttons by shape or color (students choice of course!), trace with pencils and colored pencils, or build with legos.