Sorry I missed posting about last week!
This week, we continued talking about spring, plants, and seeds.
We reviewed the life cycle of a plant and children cut out their own life cycle pictures to glue in order on a colorful sheet of paper. The key words we learned were:
We practiced our counting by counting pumpkin seeds. This helped us with our number recognition as each number was printed on the page. We will put our books together this week, so you can look forward to reading them at home with your little one.
Preschool scientists recorded their very first observation this week. They observed their bean plant and drew a representative picture to accompany their actual plant. We will continue this weekly for a few weeks to chart the growth and change in our plants.
On Thursday, the morning class made flower prints for Art's Night. I cut some of the (many) toilet paper rolls we received as donations into various patterns. Cutting one side allowed us to use them like stamps.
Five Little Speckled Frogs has been our most recent song. You can look it up on YouTube if you're inclined to learn the beat. I'm sure if you ask however, you preschooler could sing the whole thing for you!
Five little speckled frogs
sat on a great big log
eating the most delicious bugs
Yum, Yum
One frog jumped in the pool
where it was nice and cool
Now there are four speckled frogs
Croak, Croak
...and so on!
Thank you to the many parents who were so helpful during Art's Night. I appreciated the timely drop off and pick up of your preschoolers, along with your enthusiasm and participation. It was a great show and the kids
did a spectacular job! They really stole the show!
Next week we will start our underground and bug unit! Creepy, crawling, crazy, goodness awaits us!
Mrs. Reid