Friday, November 8, 2013

Week of Nov. 3 - Nov. 6

Hi Preschool Family and Friends,

It's been a while! I apologize for the delay in getting something posted here!

Over the past couple of weeks we have been talking about Halloween, Pumpkins, and completing assessments for the fall.

Recent activities include, Pumpkin Seed Counting Books (morning students counted up to five with pumpkin seeds and afternoon students counted up to ten!), self portraits (which I will keep a copy of and send the original home soon), knuckle painting pumpkin patches (afternoon students used their knuckles and orange, brown, and green paint to create their very own pumpkin patch on paper - on display in the classroom!)

Our most recent week at school was spent talking about blocks and shapes. We've been talking about the shapes, circle, square, triangle, and rectangle. We've been counting their sides, using their names in many activities, and even chanting a shape poem at circle.

I'm Suzy Circle! I'm happy as can be.
I go round and round. Can you draw me?

I'm Tommy Triangle. Look at me!
Count my sides ... 1,2,3!

Rickety Rectangle is my name.
My four sides are not the same.
2 are short and 2 are long.
Count my sides, come right along... 1, 2, 3, 4!

Sammy Square is my name.
My four sides are all the same.
Turn me around, I don't care.
I'm always the same, I'm sammy square!

During group time we looked at pictures of block structures and tried to recreate them ourselves. We also sorted blocks according to their shapes. We worked on learning our first names by peicing together name puzzles, then practicing writing our names with paper and pencil.

Get ready to hear some rhymes at home! This week we will focus on one rhyming book and we will do many activities surrounding the book and rhyming! Did you know that rhyming is a very important skill for preschoolers to learn because it will help them to become better readers in Kindergarten and First Grade! I'm excited to lay the foundation in a fun and engaging way. Stay tuned!

Enjoy a random group of pictures from the last couple of weeks below!

Mrs. Reid
