Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spooktacular Week

This week has certainly been wild and crazy! Unfortunately, we're not back on our regular schedule just yet.

Monday, November 5th - PM class comes in the morning from 8:45am - 11:15am. No school for the AM students. (This is also the day to make up conferences - same times as previously scheduled)

No schoool Tuesday, November 6th - In Service Day

This past week was a little chaotic with preschool screening, half days and no-school days, but we did manage to fit in a great book by Eric Carle, "The Very Busy Spider". Some children completed a comprehension page about the book, coloring or circling the animal that makes a web, and finding animals or objects.

In addition to reading "The Very Busy Spider", children also made a sand art spider web, complete with a spider of course! Kids had fun squirting glue and shaking black sand onto their paper.

We tried our pumpkin pies this week! Some children really enjoyed it while others weren't so into pumpkin pie! All in all, the experience of making them was thrilling and I've been hearing that kids are showing a big intrest in cooking projects at home. It's certainly made it's way into the dramatic play area! We've had piles of pretend cookies and pie!

Check back later for pictures!

Mrs. Reid