Friday, September 27, 2013

Preschoolers are Authors! Sept. 23rd - 30th

Hi Everyone!

A big thanks to all who were able to make it to open house! It was a wonderful evening centered around community and your children!

This week we sang a mixture of "Hello Neighbor" and "The More We Get Together" during circle. We practiced some bean bag greeting games. Some of the things we incorporated into our bean bag toss were our favorite food, greetings like "good afternoon _________", and our names. We are still getting to know one another so name games help to clear up any name confusion!

I read a book this week called "The Things I Can Do" by Jeff Mack. It's an amazing book about a little boy who is writing a book all about the things he can do. There are some funny illustrations (like the boy wearing underwear on his head) which cracked the kids up! We spent some time talking about authors, books, and how preschoolers ARE authors too! Here is the sequence:

Monday we introduced making books. Preschoolers used the stapler (ever so carefully) to staple three (or more) sheets of full sized white paper together. We talked about how their creation looked like the books we read in our classroom.

Tuesday we talked about the different topics of books. There are books about trains, dinosaurs, monsters, princesses, unicorns, plants, and many, many more. After we discussed this, we set out to think about what our own books would be about. Here are some of the topics kids chose to write about:

Princesses, family, friends, dinosaurs, a field of corn, dinosaur bones, unicorns, roses, candy, trucks, trains, and battles

What an array! So...we made our front covers and "wrote" our titles.

On Wednesday, we remembered what our book was about (preschoolers did so much better at remembering than I thought they would!). Then, we worked on the inside of our books. I taught a mini lesson on drawing people. We talked about how people have a head, body, legs, arms, hands and feet. Then we talked about adding details to our drawings like earrings, a scarf, clothing, etc. After we completed our books, each student was asked to read their book to a teacher.

On Thursday, we read our books for a second time.

Here is the 4-1-1 on bookmaking in preschool. We want preschoolers to see themselves as writers, readers, and illustrators. It builds their confidence, and let's face it...throughout school students are asked to write a lot, and I want them to have confidence and to learn that writing is a creative outlet. I will continue to encourage children to write books about events in their lives, something they seem particularly interested in, something funny that happened in class (like when Mrs. Reid says the wrong words to the circle song). An important aspect of the book making process is just when the kids think they are done...I ask them "Please, read me your book." This one simple sentence can go a LONG way with preschoolers. I never ask kids to tell me about their book or read their words for them. Remember, I want them to think of themselves as writers and readers. I also keep in mind that not all books are stories. Some books are lists, some books are facts about a certain topic, and then yes, some books ARE stories. Watching the children read their books was inspiring, so if you need some sunshine in your life, ask your preschooler to read their book to you! (They are going home next week)

Next week, we will be learning more about Fall.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the weekend!

Mrs. Reid

Monday, September 23, 2013

Finishing Up Introductions; Sept. 16-20

This week we finished introducing all the learning centers of our classroom.

We have Block Area, Puzzle Area, Book Area, Block Center, Dress-Up Center, Easel Center, Art Center, Writing Center (and to be announced later...the Science Center).

Students have learned how to play in centers, put things away in each center, and use the tools of each center carefully and safely. I'm so proud of how much our students have learned already!

We sang:

The More We Get Together:
"The more we get together, together, together
the more we get together the happier we'll be
'cause your friends and my friends
and my friends are your friends
the more we get together
the happier we'll be"

We even learned the American Sign Language signs to go along with the song. Ask your preschooler to sing and sign it to you!

We also learned a bean bag, greeting game for circle this week. It went like this:

"1,2, how do you do?
3,4, great, I'm sure!"

After we say the words, we choose a friend, say their name out loud, and pass them the bean bag. This was a great game to help our morning kiddos with their counting and also taught students about politely saying a friends name before hurling the bean bag their way! I like this game because it helps us learn the names of our new friends too!

We completed a fun art project on Thursday, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for Open House. Our plan is to have some new work for you to take a look at on display during Open House. Open House is on Thursday, September 27th from 6pm - 7pm.

Looking ahead, here are some important dates to keep in mind:

Thursday, September 27th - Open House from 6pm - 7pm
Monday, October 7th - Picture Day
Monday, October 14th - Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL

I am looking forward to the coming week. We will be discussing authors, what they do, and how preschoolers can be authors too! Your preschooler is a writer (even if they write scribbles, letter like symbols, or actual letters) and I hope to inspire them to write their own books throughout the year. We will begin our introduction to book making in the next week.

Mrs. Reid