Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday - Friendship is in the Air!

Our Tuesday started off with the same loving energy that our Monday did. I have seen many acts of kindness this week and in between our Thanksgiving talks, we have been talking about what it means to be a good friend.

The kids had many ideas about not hitting, biting, fighting and also ideas about apologizing, helping, and offering to share. We read a book today called, "Martha Doesn't Say Sorry" by Samantha Berger. That really solidified our ideas about friendship!

This week, we have worked on our pencil grips. It's really important for preschoolers to learn the correct way to hold a pencil. Many kids caught right on! The morning class worked on picking out certain color pencils and coloring items of that color with care. They tried hard to stay in the lines and do careful coloring.

The afternoon worked on following arrows to write. We learned how to follow arrows to make vertical and horizontal lines. Next week, we are really going to start working on forming the letters of our names! It's exciting to see kids ready for this!

We counted some thanksgiving food this week too! Kids had the big job of sorting different pretend food from our Dramatic Play area and counting out how many of each food we had.

Tomorrow we will see the A.M students. Remember, no school Wednesday November 21st for the P.M students.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Friday: It's Turkey Time...Well Almost!

We have been talking a lot about Thanksgiving in our classroom. We have been learning a little about pilgrims, the food and friendship they celebrated during the first Thanksgiving, and how they got here.

Our friend McClellan had some really awesome questions which ended up teaching our afternoon class a lot. He asked ... How did the pilgrims get to America? Why are Turkeys so fat? Which he offered up the answer that "maybe it was protect themselves". How did they all fit on one boat? And exclaimed "Hey! I didn't know Turkeys could fly!" during our read aloud. Thanks for all of the good thinking and prompting some in depth conversations about this time of year.

We moved our leaves in the hallway from our tree branches to the grass on our bulletin board. We are noticing that all of the cold wind has blown all of the leaves outside onto the ground, so naturally - we want our trees in the hallway to represent our changing seasons accurately.

Mr. Munch ate up some new letters today. Ask your child ... "If Mr. Munch at things that started with _________ (insert any letter you like), what things would he eat?" They may need to be reminded what sound each letter makes, but this is a great game for in the car. You can even sing the song. (Tune of Tiny Tim)

Mr. Munch
I have a hungry friend
His name is Mr. Munch
And what he likes to do all day is gobble up his lunch
He loves the letter _______
and things that start with ________
And he is very happy when he goes
Munch, Munch, Munch, CRUNCH

Our art project today was to make a handprint Turkey! Children had so much fun painting their fingers different feather colors and putting an eye, beak, and wattle (the red appendage hanging near the turkey's beak) onto their turkey creation.

Please remember that next week we have a half day on Wednesday, November 21st. The MORNING class will attend preschool from 8:45am - 11:15am. The afternoon will not have preschool that day.

Mrs. Reid