Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday - And An Update On the Rest of Our Week!

Wow! Wednesday already. I've totally missed updating the blog the past couple of days, sorry folks!

This was a very productive week in PK. We have been working so hard lately! The unit we are working on right now is Community Helpers. So far, we've identified what types of Community Helpers we have and are now beginning to talk about exactly what they do for our community. In group time this week, children talked about what job they want to have when they get older. We made a graph which we will talk about Thursday.

We also worked on handwriting. The morning group is learning how to color very carefully inside the lines and identify colors of objects. The afternoon children each were given their very own name books! These books help preschoolers learn how to form the letters of their name. Nice work preschool writers!

In addtion to that, one of our groups during group time worked independently (well mostly) on counting playdough balls onto counting mats. This is the type of independent group work kindergarteners do!

Today we started a new incentive plan for the afternoon group. We are trying to fill a container with marbles by working hard together as a team. We can earn a marble whenever we get a compliment while walking down the hall quietly, cleaning up carefully, or just by being good friends to one another. We voted on what we would like to do when we fill our container. Ideas were, cookies for snack, a class party, read a special book, or a classroom campout day. Friends voted and for our first celebration of filling our good deeds container, we will have a classroom campout day!

Looking forward to the rest of the week!
Mrs. Reid

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